The Link between Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s A traumatic brain injury (TBI) usually happens due to the negligence of a car or truck driver, the failure of a property owner to keep the premises safe, an assault, or for other reasons. Traumatic brain injuries are classified as mild, moderate, or severe – depending on how long and severe the symptoms are and whether the victim becomes unconscious. While some TBIs heal with time, many victims suffer physical pain, emotional harm, and loss of cognitive abilities that lasts a lifetime.

Many TBI victims have the following cognitive symptoms:

  • An inability to remember events
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty learning
  • Trouble speaking and communicating

Research from Alzheimer’s Association

According to Alzheimer’, many older people suffer a TBI because seniors are more likely to fall then other age groups. Developing Alzheimer’s is one of the risks of a serious TBI accident. The organization recommends that victims get immediate treatment. This includes getting a neurological assessment of their memory, ability to think, their hearing, vision, balance, touch, reflexes and anything that might affect their brain function. A computed tomography (CT) may be required.

Findings from the Alzheimer’s organization include:

  • A link between moderate or severe TBI and developing Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Seniors with a history of a moderate TBI were 2.3 more times likely to develop Alzheimer’s than seniors with no head injury history. The risk rate of developing Alzheimer’s increases to 4.5 times for patients with a history of severe moderate TBI
  • A link between repeated TBI concussions or head blows without concussion and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).
  • The finding that a TBI can change brain chemistry
  • The conclusion that a TBI may be more likely to cause dementia in patients who “have a variation of the gene for apolipoprotein E (APOE) called APOE-e4.”

The association reports that there is no direct evidence that everyone who suffers a TBI gets dementia or that one TBI by itself increases the risk of dementia. It states that more research is needed.

The Nashville TBI lawyers at the Rocky McElhaney Law Firm have the experience and resources necessary to determine whether a property owner, driver, construction site, or other person or business is responsible for you loved one’s traumatic brain injury. To speak with a respected TBI attorney, please call us at 615-246-5549 or fill out our contact form. to make an appointment. We have offices in Nashville, Hendersonville, and Knoxville are ready to help you get justice.