The Department of Veterans Affairs has suffered the effects of mismanagement for years. Stories of the difficulties our nations’ veterans have suffered while seeking care for serious medical issues are widespread and plentiful. A new investigation has uncovered evidence that administration has acted improperly yet again, and more than 25,000 veterans across the country will have to be re-examined due to the agency’s failure to follow its own policies.

Traumatic brain injury more common in service members

The armed forces that protect our nation deserve our gratitude. They are exposed daily to dangers that most of us can’t conceive of. Some of those dangers include improvised explosive devices and artillery fire, situations that produce major concussive blasts. Exposure to these blasts, even with the best protection, can cause concussion or more serious brain injury.

So many veterans suffer from TBI that there are specific benefits set aside for those who incur them. NBC affiliate KARE 11:

…exposed the TBI diagnosis problem in a series of reports beginning on August 5, 2015. According to VA policy, initial traumatic brain injury exams must be performed by doctors in one of four specialties, including neurology and neurosurgery. But KARE 11 documented the cases of Minnesota veterans who were denied TBI benefits after exams performed by medical staffers who weren’t specialists.  In one case, a veteran was examined by a nurse practitioner, not a neurologist.”

Veterans deserve better care

As a result of KARE 11’s investigation, more than 25,000 veterans across the country will be entitled to new examinations for their injuries. So far, 8,000 cases of misdiagnosis have been identified. It is a sad truth that veterans do not have the same legal rights as the general population when it comes to government medical care. However, investigative journalism like this is another tool that helps to keep government agencies in check and make sure that justice is served.

Every day, we at the Rocky McElhaney Law Firm fight to protect the rights of victims. We applaud the efforts that brought this situation to light, and we can’t advocate for TBI victims rights often enough. Traumatic brain injury affects people and families every day. When it affects you, our experienced Nashville traumatic brain injury attorneys can help get you the compensation you need for treatment and lost wages. Call 615.246.5549 or contact us today for a free consultation in Nashville, Gallatin or Knoxville.