A new study shows a potential link between traumatic brain injury and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS. Dr. Holly Van Remmen and her team performed a series of controlled experiments to determine whether traumatic brain injury (TBI) could accelerate damage in those who are genetically at higher risk of contracting the disease.

ALS has made headlines in the past with the famous (or infamous) ice bucket challenge that helped raise $115 million to fund research for a treatment or cure. But what, exactly, is ALS?

What is ALS?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is neurological disease that causes muscle weakness and destroys the body’s ability to properly convey signals from the brain. According to the Mayo Clinic, “ALS is a type of motor neuron disease that causes nerve cells to gradually break down and die.” Without motor neurons, your brain can’t tell your body how to move, eat, or breathe properly. The disease is progressive, meaning that the effects of the nerve degeneration get worse over time.

Dr. Van Remmen’s team had a simple question about ALS; can a traumatic brain injury accelerate ALS in someone who is likely to develop the disease? The answer seems to be yes. She said, “Overall it only showed a few minor effects, but there were effects nonetheless.”

While the research, published in the journal Neuroscience, didn’t conclude that TBI could cause ALS, a traumatic brain injury for someone suffering from ALS could worsen his or her already delicate condition. Dr. Van Hemmen’s findings are helping to contribute to a large body of research on the effects of TBI.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rates of traumatic brain injuries have risen significantly over the last ten years. While the rate of injury has increased, deaths from TBI have decreased, likely as a result of continuing research efforts for dealing with this devastating injury.

Whether or not you suffer from ALS, if you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and the effect the accident had on your quality of life. The Rocky McElhaney Law Firm can help get you the compensation you deserve; contact us today for a free consultation at our offices in Nashville, Gallatin or Knoxville.